What's Fengshui
Feng Shui for Relationship
Our relationships with ourselves and others. It's our attraction to structural shapes, our interaction with the walls and floors and ceilings, the dance we weave with furniture arrangements, the emotions we express with colors, shapes, and textures — the reverence revealed by the care and condition of our homes and workspaces. These are the relationships that determine our physical and emotional experiences while enveloped by our surroundings.

The choices we make of where to live and work have as much impact on our personal unfolding as the relationships we choose to have with living beings. In fact, the Feng Shui of a space can powerfully influence a relationship in both positive and negative ways. Whether we choose a space consciously or not, what we often miss is that we are drawn to our surroundings, much as we are attracted to a lover or a friend with whom there is a connection we share, an experience we seek, or a life lesson we need to learn. Particularly through our relationship with home, we search to create a meaningful environment that gives comfort and safety to our souls. Our surroundings are environmental autobiographies, revealing who we are, what we believe, where we've come from, and how we are yet to unfold. They provide a nurturing environment for two souls to harmoniously cohabitate, while growing and expanding the relationship with objective vigilance and conscious action.

How we relate to others, ourselves, our circumstances, and our surroundings is richly and sometimes comically revealed in our environment. For example, a female client wanted to apply Feng Shui principles in her home to attract a good, solid relationship with a man. As we toured her apartment, there were several clues that revealed her underlying feelings about relationships. Two appeared in her bedroom, which was in the partnership area of the home — a good location. However, she had strategically positioned a large armoire very near the door, which narrowed the ability to enter the room. In addition, the plants we found near her bed were cactuses! Not very conducive to having gentle, harmonious relationships.

Subconsciously, this woman was literally blocking the path for a partner to enter her space. And if he were able to get in, she'd exhibit ''prickly'' energy toward him. The third clue really made her laugh. A stove also has a Ba-Gua influence, and so the back right burner represents partnership in Feng Shui. When I asked if all the burners worked correctly, she revealed that the back right burner was either much too hot or not hot at all. And how did that symbolize her relationships with men? She immediately recognized the metaphor, and appreciated the humor. Truly, this woman's home fully revealed her feelings and experiences regarding relationships.

Attracting/Enhancing Partnership with Feng Shui

The practice of Feng Shui is about being simultaneously in tune to both the physical and non-physical aspects of a space and how we relate to it. Although a home may be esthetically pleasing, the ''energy'' might not feel comfortable or inviting. Particularly when we've lived or worked in a space for many years, it could be difficult to recognize the signs that guide us back to ourselves. An objective and knowledgeable perspective helps us to see what we may be avoiding or missing. Although there are many aspects to take into account when evaluating a property from a Feng Shui perspective, it's always useful to apply some basic principles.

Part of attracting a partner is being open to receiving the love and romance coming your way. On one level that means opening your heart and healing hurts from past relationships. On the physical plane, it means ''building a romantic nest'' that supports the relationship and is easy to get to.

Here are some suggestions for good Feng Shui in your bedroom:

¬ Position Bed Harmoniously — The rule of thumb for proper bed position is to place it on a solid wall, diagonal from the door, allowing full view of the room and its entry while lying in bed. Avoid placing the bed in line with a doorway, since this can cause feelings of vulnerability and defensiveness. Also avoid alignment with the bathroom door, as this can contribute to feeling drained, tired or having restless sleep patterns.

¬ Position Other Furniture Harmoniously — Good furniture arrangements play a significant roll in Feng Shui. In addition to proper bed position, it's important to make the way clear to enter your bedroom, no matter what section of the house it's located in. Try to make sure that large furniture is not placed too near the doorway.

¬ Add a Solid Headboard to Your Bed — A headboard represents support, and energetically brings both sides of the bed together, creating harmonious union for partners. If possible, avoid metal headboards since they can be conductive (particularly sensitive people have difficulty resting peacefully on metal-framed beds or near a metal headboard).

¬ Clear up the Clutter — Having too much stuff piled in a bedroom (or any room for that matter) is a huge energetic distraction that subconsciously pulls us away from our focus — each other. The bedroom should be a space designed for rest, rejuvenation, romance, and relief from the outside world. So often I find computers, exercise equipment, tax records, kids' projects, and just plain clutter invading the space. Clean it up, clear it out, and find a new home for items you choose to keep. Just be careful not to clutter up another part of your home.

¬ Display Romantic Artwork — No matter where the master bedroom is located in your home, surround yourselves with art that calls forth a feeling of love and romance with each other. Be careful of art that has a single man or single woman pictured in it, or one that has three or more people in it. Relationships are challenging enough between two people; bringing a third party into your bedroom, even in art, is just not supportive to a couple.

¬ Activate the Energy — Hang wind chimes or a crystal in the center of the bedroom to enhance the energy in the space. If you use wind chimes, be sure they ring a gentle, pleasant sound for both of you.

¬ Provide Two Nightstands — Even if you're sleeping alone now, set up a nightstand on both sides of your bed, to accommodate the needs of your future partner. Include a lamp (so that he or she can read romantic poetry to you at night!).

As human beings, we are ever changing — growing, expanding, and contracting — as we move through life. Individuals often consider Feng Shui when they are in the midst of change or perhaps desiring a change from old patterns.

One way to begin using Feng Shui in your own environment is to take note of your surroundings and how you feel about them. You may not like some of what you and other family members notice, but awareness is the first step to healing.

Our surroundings, in particular our homes, are a mirror-image of our personality, interests, experiences, and beliefs. Creating a space with harmony, beauty, and order is a way to powerfully direct our lives and honor our Selves. The process begins in our hearts and our homes. Perhaps by bringing peaceful harmony into our homes and work places, we can indeed bring peace to the world.
