What's Fengshui
What is Feng Shui
Your career is something that matters to you, even if you don’t like your job and if your do like your job. If you are looking for a new job it’s easier to find one when you have one and ff you are looking for a promotion these tips will help you too.

In today’s economy, you want to hold onto your job for as long as possible. To help you find success in your current job and in the future, you need to think about employing some basic Feng Shui advice. By simply moving around a few things and changing the energy of your office or cubicle, you will begin to change the way you work and the way you succeed at work

Where is Your Focus

The most desirable layout for an office is an office with a door. Just remember to place your desk so that you can see the door while you are at it. If you are in a cubicle and find yourself with your back to the entrance you will want to implement a critical Feng Shui cure. Place a mirror in front of you so that you can see the entrance behind you. I suggest that you find a mirror and have your favorite quote inscribed on it. This way you will be inspired as you are watching your back.

Light Up Your Future

When you’re in a dark office or cubicle, your energy feels lower – that’s because it is. You need to add as much light as possible to your work area so that you attract energy and luck to your career. Light attracts feelings of friendliness and positivity which can help you tackle projects with enthusiasm instead of feeling like you’re being dragged down into your work. Keep the light on in your office as much as possible or find natural sources of light to help keep your working area bright and cheery. Check with your office and see if you can bring in a desk lamp to brighten up your desk.

Add Life to Your Office

In addition to adding some ambient light, you will also want to bring in symbols of growth and energy. Adding plants to your cubicle or office is a great way to do this. The only trick to adding plants is that you need to water them and take care of them, much like you might take care of your career. Plants that are dying or that are on the verge of dying aren’t going to be of much help to your career energy. If you can’t sustain a plant in your space, try adding pictures of forests or flowers to help attract this life force energy. You can even use silk plants if there is not enough natural light to sustain them.

The Question of Mirrors

Many people like to use mirrors as a way to direct the energy in a room due to Feng Shui principles. However, mirrors can be a tricky tool to use, especially in an office. Ideally, you can put a mirror opposite your desk in order to double your work load energetically (and often in real life). But you will also want to ask yourself if this is something you want to do right now. For some, their workload isn’t the problem – in fact, they might want to reduce their work pile rather than add to it. Another way to use mirrors is to make sure you have a clear view of the door – a frequent tip for improving Feng Shui. So as to allow the energy to easily flow in a room without disturbing you, you should always be able to see the door. And if you can not, then add a mirror to your office so the door can be easily seen when you are sitting at your desk.

Your Desk’s Energy

Finally, you might want to choose a desk that’s large and expansive. This will attract the energy of more productivity as well as more work. In Feng Shui, you want to surround yourself with images of things you want to bring into your life, so if your desk is small and cramped, that might be hindering your energy and the possibility of more. Look for a desk with a large working area whenever possible. Feng Shui is a great tool for those who want to succeed in business and in life. By making just a few small changes, you can begin to change your life – and your future.

Expand Your Resources

The first thing you must assess when working on expansion is what resources do I already have and how can I expand them? Take a look around your office or desk and start making an assessment. This is not the time to get discouraged. Get creative in your thinking.
Look at your rolodex or card file. Clean it out. Get rid of those who are a weight on your desk and begin looking for more recourses to add. If you don't have a rolodex what about a pencil cup. These are resources. Most likely you can't do your job without a pen or pencil. Get rid of the pens that don't write or skip and begin adding new resources to your cup. Each time you do acknowledge the growth.
Now take a look at the pictures you have in your office. Who is your career idol? Keep a picture of this person in your office where you can see if from your desk.
Expanding your resources does not mean adding clutter to your desk. This will mottle things up so be careful when adding to ensure that the recourse you are adding is truly expanding your career. What kind of reading material do you have in your office? What about trade magazines? Don't clutter you office with them but keep at least a few to bring in the expansion energy. If your desk is cluttered with unfinished work get it done and off your desk. There is no room for expansion on a cluttered desk.
If you have the financial resources make an investment in a new and bigger desk. This will help you make room for a bigger career. These are just a few tips to help you on your way with Feng Shui. For more detailed Feng Shui cures and enhancements check out the books below.
